Monday, April 30, 2012

The Fun Of Selling Big Ticket Items!

You can make some money selling ebooks that earn you per sale. Many people do. But if you want to make any REAL money, if you want to retire young, that's better done by selling big ticket items - things that earn you from 0 - ,000 per sale.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Expensive items are too hard to sell. It's better to sell inexpensive impulse purchase' items. But that's not true. You just have to use the correct SYSTEM to sell Big Ticket items. But I'll get into that later. First I want to talk about the one HUGE advantage of selling Big Ticket items.


Free advertising is fine, but the more money you spend on advertising, the more qualified hits you will receive, and the more sales you will make. And with Big Tickets you can spend more money!

Google AdWords PPC works well to get qualified leads to your site. But it can be a little expensive. Let's say that you've gotten your PPC costs down to about $ .75 per click (It used to be five cents a click, but not anymore!), and you're selling something that earns you per sale. If you have an average conversion rate of 2%, which is pretty good, then you must purchase 50 clicks to get one sale. Fifty clicks will cost you .50. That's .50 MORE than the profit you earn from the sale. OBVIOUSLY, THAT DOESN'T WORK! If you work really diligently to raise your conversion rate to 5%, which is much higher than most people ever achieve, you will need twenty clicks to make one sale. Twenty clicks will cost you . Well, that works. You've made a profit - but not much. You've lost fully HALF of your profits to advertising expense. You might make a living, but you can't retire soon on that!

Now let's look at selling a Big Ticket item - something that sells for ,000 and earns you ,000 per sale. The same 2% conversion rate that we used above will still cost you .50 for one sale, but earns you ,000. Does THAT WORK for you? I think so! Now, let's suppose you have a low conversion rate of only .5%. You would have to buy 200 clicks to make one sale, which costs 0. That still works. Now let's drop your conversion rate down to an abysmal .2%. You now need 500 clicks costing 5 to make ONE SALE and earn ,000. It STILL works. What if you had to spend 5 to make one sale that earned you only ? Fugetabodit!

I could keep going with the numerical examples, but I think you get the point. With Big Ticket items, you can spend hundreds of dollars MORE on advertising to get one sale if you have to, and then you STILL earn hundreds of dollars MORE for each sale that you make!

It's the same for ezine solo ads. If you spent on one ezine solo ad and made 3 sales at each, you've made net. But 3 sales at ,000 each will earn you ,925 net! Which would you rather do? Let me think.

When Selling Big Ticket items, it makes financial sense to do many more types of more expensive paid advertising that JUST DIDN'T MAKE SENSE when selling ebooks! And Paid advertising is what brings in the MOST CONSISTANT LEADS.


Expensive items, especially online, are NOT impulse items. People need time to think about making an expensive purchase. In fact, 80% will NOT buy within the first 60 days. So in order to sell an expensive item, you must stay in front of their face for at least 60 days. Here's the basic set-up.

You create a landing page/sales letter that explains your item in depth. Then, on the front end, you sell an inexpensive (?) introductory offer, or give away a free report, or anything you can do that will COMPEL them to give you their email address to add to your newsletter. Then you send them an email every several days that is filled with REAL additional CONTENT about whatever your topic is. You are now building a RELATIONSHIP with them, and it won't take long for them to start seeing you as an expert in your field. At that point, upselling them to your back-end ,000 product (which earns you ,000) is the next logical step. Many of them WILL buy from you if you take these steps, and have a little patience.

I tried for a long time to make money on the internet, and I usually barely broke even - until I finally understood the importance of selling expensive products. Now, the Big Ticket sales are rolling in, and so is the cash! Understanding this one concept - Sell Big
Ticket Items for Maximum Profit - changed my life forever!

After I learned about this, I sudden realized that I had been the product, if you will, of this very strategy. You see, I wanted to get into real estate investing. I found the site of one of the biggest real estate gurus online. He had five-day real estate seminars that cost ,000. I REALLY wanted to go to his seminar, but there was NO WAY I could justify spending that kind of money! So instead, I bought his (up-front) home study course.

The course was 6 tapes and a workbook. I devoured that course. I listened to the tapes eight or nine times in a row. Every time I was driving, I was listening to his tapes. I practically had them memorized. They were really excellent, but they only gave me about 80% of what I needed to get started buying houses nothing down.

But I was also on his email list, and I constantly got tips from him about real estate investing, which was priming me to purchase his back-end product - I just didn't realize it at the time. Finally, about six months later, because he had built a RELATIONSHIP with me through his emails, and I NOW SAW HIM AS THE EXPERT in real estate, I purchased my first seminar from him for ,000. That began it for me. Over the next few years I spent approximately ,000 on real estate seminars and training courses from him and other gurus! Was it worth the money I spent? Absolutely! The house I'm living in now, the seller GAVE to me. In fact, he paid ME ,000 at closing to take it
off his hands!

But I digress. The point is, this guru used the same tactics I'm discussing here to get me to buy a ,000 seminar that I NEVER would have purchased from his website alone if he hadn't established himself as an expert AND developed a RELATIONSHIP with me through his mailings.

There are thousands of affiliate programs on the internet, but most of them sell items. If you don't have your own products, then you need to find an affiliate program that (1) sells Big Ticket items on the back-end and (2) has a completely automated email follow-up system that makes the back-end sale for you.

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